
David Devil : "Men Of My Generation"

I love how the bar maid, who's totally drinking beer, is like Oh hell no when the cool dude shoves that boombox down the bar.

I do think it's really mean of David's friends to make him sit in that room by himself while they carouse in the saloon, blow confrontational smoke at outsiders, conduct an orchestra, pop & lock, blow things up, get slapped by the sexy Columbo-gal and goof around in blackface.



Tragic Error : "Tanzen"

What can possibly be said of a video that says absolutely everything for itself? Other than "That fellow might not have brushed his teeth recently". Killer song blending darkness and comedy---perhaps this is the quintessential "acid" experience.


Robert Rental : "Double Heart"

A contemporary nu-disco electro-funk favorite of mine, San Serac, has done a gorgeous version of this song on his new album, No Twilight, which you can listen to in full HERE ("<3 <3" is the last track) and buy HERE. Cheers!


Fair Control: "Symphony of Love"

Baby-faced glamour-gangster disco? Are the undertones of the band name "Fair Control" gently anti-fascist or firmly but quietly pro-legitimate business? This song is hot.


Robert Plant : "Little By Little"

The girl in the second picture reminds me of a dancer/model from a previous post! Maybe I'm just seein' things. xxx 


